426 Polo Park Blvd. Davenport, FL 33897



Polo Park Homeowners meeting for April 8, 2024

Attendance:  Daniel Basham (President), Mike Wright (Vice-President) by telephone, Linda Bailey (Secretary), Marianne Helmprecht (Treasurer), Jeff Polston (Director), Linda Sheerin (Director), Scott Rapp (Director)

Absent:  no one

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Daniel Basham

Prayer was led by Richard Ackerman

Secretary Report by Linda Bailey

Motion to accept the minutes from March 11, 2024 by Linda Bailey.  Linda Sheerin asked if the minutes from last month had been printed after she had informed the minute taker, Wendy Mudd, of the errors.  Wendy answered that the changes were minimal.  They will be printed with the minor changes made and handed to the office for filing.  Linda Sheerin, also, asked about the balance in the Treasurer’s Report from last month claiming that there were incorrect numbers reported.  Marianne and Linda S discussed the discrepancies on the Treasurer’s Report from last month.  Marianne reported that she would look into it when she got back to the office.  

Daniel Basham asked if we could get a second to accept the minutes pending the corrections that Linda S and Marianne were discussing.  Linda Sheerin suggested to table the minutes and Treasurer’s Report until the next meeting.  Daniel Basham agreed and asked Marianne to take care of the Treasurer’s Report for next meeting.

Activities Reports

Golf by Linda Bailey for Mike Wright

The golf committee plans to take the money that they have earned through activities and purchase forks for the tractor.  This will help move the mulch and rocks and other items around easier.  It will cost $990.50.

Buildings and grounds by Scott Rapp

The items under discussion are in New Business and will be discussed then. 

Architectural Review Committee (ARC) by Linda Sheerin

There were 18 forms from residents requesting permission to do some work.  All were approved.  We’re still working on the house on Jackson Park Ave with the concrete yard.  We’re still trying to get the county to address the situation.  Mike Wright spoke on the subject saying that the concrete falls in golf course grounds.  Mike has talked to Mr. Jarvis from the county about it and Mr. Jarvis is not interested in doing anything about the concrete and has informed us that it’s up to golf course.  Linda S disagrees saying that the concrete is on common grounds.  Mike explains that 16 feet of the concrete has touched the common grounds for the last 24 years, and that it became the owner’s property after 7 years.  It doesn’t have to be on title.  Linda S. disagrees and says to talk to the lawyer about it. Linda S. states that she has presented the situation to ARC.  She will be forwarding to Mike Wright what she has received from the county about the concrete on this property.  

Daniel Basham suggest that the meeting move on.

Pools by Marianne Helmprecht

Marianne informed us that we have a quote to resurface the Boulevard Clubhouse pool from Hallmark Pools for $45,917.82.  There are voids in the fiberglass.  Marianne had asked about changing the rise of the steps from 10 inches to 8 inches.  She was told the cost of the change would be $16,900 as the pool would need to be restructured.  The cost to convert the pool to become a salt water pool would be $18,350.  Jim Valentine is getting two more quotes on resurfacing the pools and Mary Dolan is getting two more quotes on converting the pool to salt water.  The sling backs for the chairs need to be replaced.  Fred and Rich would replace them.  That would cost about $1,300 which would come out of the Pool Committee fund.  Linda S asks how much was in the reserves for resurfacing the pool.  Marianne answered that there will be about $86,000 once we transfer $100,000 into the pool fund.  We knew that we needed to do the Boulevard pool.  There will be enough money in reserves to do that pool.

CERTS by Linda Bailey

Linda B. asked if Dick Hamilton was available to speak.  Dick is in charge of CERTS and told us a bit about CERTS.  CERTS stands for Community Emergency Response Team.  If there was an emergency in Polo Park, they would check on the residents of the whole park to make sure that they were safe.  If someone needed to go to the hospital, they would do that.  We had a CERTS team register at the 24th CERTS convention in Bartow.  Our CERTS team recognized someone who took care of most of our work.  She did the CPR work and the smoke detectors for 2 years.  There were about 200 smoke detectors that were put in the homes within Polo Park.  Dick formerly recognized Chris Mazzeo for all her work.  She also keeps the CERTS running properly.  Jeff asked Dick how long does it take to check up on everyone in the park.  Jeff asked if a drone would help to check on the residents?  Dick answered that he was looking into getting a drone for the area.  He was looking into how much drones cost and knows there are a few people in the park who have and know how to run a drone.  He thought drones would be a very big help and suggested that there may be times when a car or golfcart wouldn’t be able to get to someone’s home in an emergency.  There will be a drill on the 19th of this month to go around with golf carts and practice for an emergency situation.

CAP Committee by Linda Bailey

Linda reported that they are still waiting for the permits for the flock cameras.  She reported that the CAP group requested that people slowdown in the park and stop at the stop signs.  Follow the rules.

Rules and Regulations Committee by Linda Sheerin

Linda S. reported that there were 12 letters sent out to homeowners.  Eight of the letters were responded to and the items in question were fixed.  Three letters will go to the fining committee labelled A, B and C.  Home A has a child living in the home.  Home B needs to clean the trim on the house.  Home C needs to repaint the house trim and clean the bricks around the flower beds.  Linda S. asked the board to vote on whether these homes would be sent to fining.  Daniel made the motion to pass the letters to the fining committee; Marianne H. seconded the motion.  Jeff asked if home A is the same house we have been dealing with for 4 years.  Jeff would like to hold off on home C and offer his personal help to take care of the items listed on their letter.  Daniel made a new motion to send the letters for home A and home B to go to the fining committee; Marianne seconded the motion.  The letter for home C will be held for a month to allow Jeff time to see if he can deal with the issues.  Daniel asked for a vote.  All voted yes. 

Standing Fines Committee by Linda Sheerin

Linda S. informed us that the committee met on March 2nd.  There was one fine for a home on Menlo and that has been put thru.

Veterans Committee by Sam Harris

Sam reported that the Dime to Donate event raised over $3,200 of which 10% goes to the Veterans Committee.  Sam thanked everyone for their participation.  The committee would like to expand this fundraiser to other restaurants in the area.  Good turnout for the dedication ceremony for the memorial benches for the Franklin family.  Sam informed everyone that the committee has 8 by 8 bricks for sale at $55.00 and 4 by 8 bricks for sale at $35.00. The committee also has 3 by 5 embroidered American flags for sale.  No money is made off of the sale of bricks or flags, the committee sells them as a service to the community.  Contact Sam for either a brick or flag.

Old Business

Marianne Helmprecht informed everyone that at the Challenger Clubhouse pool, some of the grout was chipping off.  Ryan from Hallmark Pools has been called.  Ryan said that it will be calked.  Jeff thinks a young guest at the park was picking at it.

Office space for HR and lawyer meetings.  Linda Bailey informed us that the room is a little small.  Some of the shelves need to go to make room for the 7 people that need to meet there.  Linda B. will talk to Richard and Fred to see about removing the shelves. 

Audit Committee.  Jeff Polston informed us of the meeting last week.  There are about 10 people on the committee headed by Joan Henne and Carolyn Auten.  We have had good results in the way of some savings from emergency telephones at each pool.  They are checking to see if we are required to have the phones there.

Compliance Committee.  Jeff informed us that the compliance committee is also called the document committee.  Richard will head the committee.  They will need 3 or 4 people for each document.  Jeff informed us that the members will go through each document and start at the committee level at the formation.  They will need 8 to 10 members.    

Swale progress.  Scott Rapp has been answering questions about the swales.  He will answer questions on the phone and/or come to your home to discuss the swales with you.  He then told everyone that the work is on its way down Tivoli.  After Tivoli is completed, work will continue down Challenger.  They have no time tables on how long it was going to take.  Probably won’t be out of here for at least 6 weeks. 

Sargeant at Arms/timekeeper.  Daniel Basham informed us that currently there is no volunteer for Sergeant at Arms.  The timekeeper is Rod Gustavson.

New Business

Moving funds to receive better interest rates.  Marianne asked Linda S and Jeff if they got anything in writing from Fifth/Third.  The answer was no.  Jeff said he had it in writing and will give the letter to Marianne.  Daniel asked if Fifth/Third was the only bank we had contact with.  Jeff answered that Tony had contacted PNC bank.  Jeff felt that Fifth/Third had some better ideas. 

Quick Books was updated to 2024 Marianne informed us.  Linda S. discussed why the change was necessary.  Jeff asked if there was a training module.  Marianne said she would look into it.  Annette Angelo offered to help with Quick Books. 

Question and Suggestion box.  Linda B and Linda S. offered the Q/S box as a solution to the questions or suggestions that come up at meetings so they can be addressed at the next meeting.  Linda S suggested that a name and phone number to be written on each suggestion so that a response could be made.  Linda S. also suggested that a question or suggestion could be addressed to anyone on the board.  She said that it was for everything.  Linda B will check it once a week and divvy them out and everyone will help to answer the queries.

Hiring of Oscar for the care of the HOA common grounds.  Jeff asked Tony for an update.  Tony Mahoney informed us that our superintendent has a valid license until 2026.  The assistant superintendent has materials to train on and he is taking CEU courses.  He will be taking his core exam and his ornamental and turf exam.  Jeff asked for a price that is current.  Scott Rapp has a rate for Oscar which is $1,700 per month based on a year contract for all the common areas.  This was based on 40 to 42 cuttings a year which included all trimming, weed-whacking and blowing the areas clear of debris.  Mowed weekly between April and October and monthly in November to March.  Weed control and weed-whacker will be done as needed.  We’re not using our equipment when Oscar is mowing.  He fixes his own equipment.  As it stands now, our common area mower will need to be replaced.  This could cost anywhere from $6,000 to $7,000.  Linda S. asked who is rewriting Butch’s job description.  Scott Rapp said that most of Butch’s hours will be on the golf course.  He will have a job description.  Jeff questioned if flowers could be planted.  Jenny Knaub would like to propose flowers be placed at the front of the community.  Jenny would lead the committee for flowers.  Pat Hess stated that they have tried that before. With the number of snowbirds, it’s hard to keep them growing.  There are no sprinklers at the front section.  Shirley Hosner stated another reason for no flowers and that is we don’t know if the islands that are present on the drive in will remain.  They do not belong to our community.  Daniel suggested that the brick walls that have the Polo Park signs would be a nice place for flowers.  He would be willing to work along with whom every would like to be on the gardening committee.  Jenny Knaub would be the chair.  Motion made by Scott Rapp to approve the contract for Oscar to take care of the common grounds at a rate of $1,700 per month as of May 1st, 2024.  He needs to hire more people.  Linda S seconded the motion.  Jeff asked who will Oscar be reporting to.  Scott Rapp said Oscar would report to him.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.

Solar panels for Gator Pond.  Scott Rapp discussed having stand-alone solar power panels (2) to run the fountain in the gator pond.  Scott told us that we would break even after a year.  Bob asked if the pump would run at night.  Scott answered that no, the fountain would run only in the day.  Batteries would last about 15 years.  Linda S asked where would the panels stand.  Scott answered on common ground.  Gary Mrowka and Scott would be directing Rick were to put them.  Scott said the final resting position would depend on where they find the best location.  Solar panels cost about $920.  Preferred solar panels are $1,200.  One year of electricity is $1,251.  It would be in the second year where we start to see our savings.  Gary believes that the batteries would last 25 years.  Scott said the batteries would last 15 years.  Mike Wright asked if there would be something to block any golf balls from hitting it.  Gary answered that we would have to consider the orientation of the solar panels.  Jeff stated that the panels could be put placed out of the way of flying balls.  Gary indicated that the bill for one meter for one year was $2,198.  Gary then went into the details about the cost of the electricity.  He also discussed the floating fountains.  Cables are already placed to keep the fountains in place.  Paul Helmstetter told us that the specs needed to go the engineering committee.  He indicated that there was something wrong with the numbers.  Jeff made a motion to table this until we have more information; Marianne seconded it.   All were in favor to table the solar panels.

Activity events by Linda Bailey

Hot dogs ending on April 16th

Coffee, donuts and chat are ending on April 9th

Ham and cheese luncheon on April 10th  

Ladies luncheon on May 8th

AARP is ending on Wednesday, April 10th

Sunday funday golf April 21at 3:00 p.m.

Painting with Cece on April 25th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Census report.  Linda Sheerin reported that 489 homes have reported which is 68% of the park.  There are 824 persons living in Polo Park.  So, the census for the reports that have been sent in are as follows.  The median age is 72.  There are 25 persons renting in 18 homes.  Single home dwellers – 182.  We have 280 golf carts for the 489 homes.  Of the 824 persons, only 242 are snowbirds.  Twelve people didn’t want to report their age.  There are 21 persons over 90.  There are 203 persons over 80.  There are 330 persons over 70.  There are 190 persons over 60. There are 44 persons between 55 and 59.  There are 25 persons under 55.         

Paul Helmstetter said that the census one thing we have to do.  We have to prove that we have 80% of our homes are occupied by those over 55.

Open forum

Pat Hess complimented the work of the swale project as the flow of water looks much better. 

Scott Rapp reported that the county is going to clean out all the pipes that go to the ponds.

Bob Oliveira wanted to thank Mike for the lock box.  Bob wants to remind people to move the numbers on the locks so they are not obvious.  He, also, said that sometimes it looked like some of the members of the board were trying to call out the other members on the board to embarrass them. 

Marianne reported that emergency phones are not needed at the pool.  The only time we need a phone is if we have a life guard.   

Annette Angelo questioned not needing a phone at the pool.  It doesn’t make sense not to have a phone without a life guard. 

Rod Gustavson doesn’t want to get rid of the emergency phone.  It’s needed for safety.  Jeff said that many people brought their phones to the pool.  Jimmy Angelo suggested that not many people brought their phone to the pool.  Scott suggested to use an old phone and plug it in the available phone box.  Gary Mrowka has a letter saying that the rule in Florida is that we don’t need a phone at the pool but we have a cell phone in the box right now.  Gary Mrowka and a small committee said that tomorrow they will meet about the phone service we have at the park. 

President’s message

Daniel Basham asked for people to stay and return the room to the way it was before.

Tammy asked for bakers for the next meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made by Jeff; seconded by Marianne.  All were in favor.  Meeting was adjourned.