OCTOBER 10, 2022



Attendees: Karen Grant, Jim Glynn, Shirley Hosner, Tony Mahoney, Tom Becker, Ken Dobosz


Absent: Vinny MCCrave



Secretary Report: Tony Mahoney reported on the minute’s from the last meeting. Karen Grant made a motion to accept the minutes, Ken Dobosz seconded and all were in favor. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  Shirley Hosner reported the following Financial Reports –



                        Bank Balance 08/31/2022                              $169,970.12


                        Deposits for the month of September               13,720.00


                        Invoices paid September                                    22,397.07


                        Bank Balance 09/30/2022                              $161,293.05



Money Marker                                                $245,794.44


                        CD’s                                                                   151,162.34   


                        Bank Balance 09/30/2022                              $396,956.78


Polo Park Activities:


                        Bank Balance 08/31/2022                              $  43,172.12


                        Deposits for the month of September                 1,214.00


                        Invoices Paid September                                          521.50


                        Bank Balance 09/30/2022                              $  43,864.62


All chairpersons of activites must meet and decide by December 31st where to spend money, balance can only be $15,000.00


Tom Becker made a motion to accept the financial reports as submitted, Tony Mahoney seconded the motion and all were in favor. Passed


Tom Becker made a motion to accept the financial reports from May to August as submitted, Tony Mahoney seconded the motion and all were in favor. Passed


Shirley then mentioned activities going on:  10/11 Coffee and Chat;  10/16 Private Party; 10/19 Budget Meeting 1:30pm; 10/20 Ham Dinner; 10/24 CAP meeting; 10/29 Halloween Dance;  11/4 Walgreens Flu, Covid and Pneumonia Shots; 11/5 Carport Sales; 11/8 Office Closed for Elections; 11/9 Budget Meeting 2:30pm.


Karen Grant wanted to thank Rose Rybak and committee for summer bingo – huge success! They are doing it again next summer. There is new process for booking activities – fill out form – pick up in HOA office. Please before you change anything and put out in social media, always check with Geri to make sure nothing else has been scheduled/changed. Checks and balances – no mistakes.


Golf Committee Report:  Ken Dobosz reported on the financial statement for golf:


                        Bank Balance 08/31/2022                              $  11,184.78


                        Deposits for the month of September                 3,745.78


                        Invoices Paid September                                    10,065.94   


                        Bank Balance 09/30/2022                              $    4,864.02


For the month of September, we had $877.00 from outside golf, $1,300.00 from punch cards and $865.00 from memberships. Total earned for the month was $3,326.70. Year to date $79,771.47. For the whole of 2021 we made $84,252.14. We are only $4,480.67 short of what we made last year. Ken thanked all the volunteers who came out to help clean up golf course.

Volunteers start this Wednesday (10/12) at 11:00am. HOA Raffle tickets are available in pro shop to purchase, $20.00 per ticket.


Dave Murosky is now the chairman of committee meetings. They are the first day of each month at 9:30am.


 Remember to stay on the cart paths at all times. No shagging of other people’s balls.


 Karen Grant made a motion to accept the financial statement as submitted, Tony Mahoney seconded and all were in favor. Passed



Buildings and Grounds Report: Before Tom Becker started his report, Karen Grant wanted to thank Tom for all he has done during his term and through Hurricane Ian.


 He then reported on what has been accomplished for the year – challenger roof was redone. fountains, lights on fountains broke, out for repair; multiple equipment breaks; pools had a lot of work done.

 Tom thanked Richard and Fred for all they do, they get stuff done, the ladies in the office, the ladies in the pool(s), Nellie (cleaned out the fridge), Ron and Rick for doing a lot after the hurricane, Dave R for painting and Butch is always helping out wherever he can (doing what he’s supposed to be doing). Tom may not get back right away but things do get done and if you notice workers taking a break/stopped it’s okay they may be calling vendors/texting the board.  If you have a question about workers, please contact a board member, do not assume you know what’s going on or jumping to conclusions.


Boulevard roof may need to be redone asap. 16 patches are up there. Also rain spouts and gutters. Still have estimates from earlier in the year. Tree damage, flooding still trying to dry up. Contacted 2 agencies for trees, Briggs was expensive. Bo still hasn’t had a chance to check out the downed trees. If you have debris leave on side of the road for FEMA to haul away.


Architectural Review Report:  Jim Glynn reported that he had 1 request for a house paint before the hurricane. Those affected by the hurricane don’t need to have ARC permission at this time.


Rules and Regulations Report: Tony Mahoney reported that the letters will start up again once snowbirds are back. Everything is looking better. Thanked Rose and her group.


CERTS Report: Karen Grant discussed about Vinnie. We no longer have a CERTS certified group with the county for at least 5 years. Asked those present if we want to have a certified group (will have to go to meeting to get certified). If not, start another group. In regard to cones in the road during the flooding, people went through them anyway. If we start our own group, we would stand there and police traffic. Would help with other things also. We would not have to do any medical procedures if we do it on our own.


CAP Report: Karen Grant reported on the ice cream social we had in August, it was moved to the afternoon. May keep it that way due to summer bingo. If any new resident would like to be part of CAP, see Marcia Rockinson, she is the coordinator. Fill out an application and do a one day training. Posner Park is unsafe so if anyone goes there, please do not go alone.


Tom Becker mentioned the door was open to Challenger Clubhouse, so please make sure the door is closed and locked behind you. Karen Grant also mentioned that there is increased criminal activity in Bimini Bay, so please lock your car and house doors, any sheds also. If you see something, call sheriff’s office – non-emergency #, unless it’s happening now.


Old Business: None


New Business: Tony Mahoney made a motion to establish a committee for bingo by the next HOA meeting. As called for by policy 9 of the HOA Policy Statement. The activities liaison Shirley Hosner will appoint a chairperson who will appoint voting committee members. All meetings will be posted and open to all residents. Right now bingo is working on its own and it should be run like any other committee does, covenants, bylaws, rules and regulations. Once committee is established, if any changes need to be made, they will have someplace to share changes. Tom Becker seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Summer Bingo raised $7.00 for each address in the park. Need more volunteers to step up. Volunteers help reduce our costs. Always the same people volunteering. If you can’t do anything strenuous, you can always hand out water.


Pat Hess suggested having more people on the board, this way they won’t get burnt out.  We have 718 homes, so that’s like each member has 100 homes to be in care of.


Jim Glynn asked who knows how to do CPR. If someone has a heart attack you only have 6 minutes to help. Need to look into CPR training.


In need of volunteers – some are aging out. Posts are put on facebook and nextdoor. Lack a place to communicate better. Need younger residents to join and get involved. Keep putting in Polo Park Press.


President’s Report: Karen Grant reported that we got through the hurricane pretty well. Could have been a lot worse. We still have standing water, tadpoles and mosquitoes are thriving. County has been called in regard to mosquitoes, will spray when they can. Southern part of our county got hit a lot worse than we did. We can only do the best we can. In regard to the county, we are on the list to be evaluated.


Recycling – they are out maxed. They will be picking up debris from other sites. Will have to wait for county and FEMA to pick up branches.


Do not take it upon yourself to go onto your neighbors properties to dig in their yard. Give them a courtesy call first. If you can’t get ahold of them contact a board member.


Refrigerator went down in the kitchen.  Stove is on its last leg, will need to be replaced. All the equipment is at least 25 years old.


Collected some past due HOA fees. 5 letters went out to residents who are over $500.00 in past due fees. One house was turned over to lawyer as no one lives in the house.




Tom Becker noted that the reason the County does not help us with our ponds is that they are our responsibility for drainage. To dredge the ponds is almost $500,000.00. The county can start a new tax to take care of the ponds. Still need to do one more pipe, between 20 – 25 years old.


Tammy Mayberry needs volunteers for next month’s meeting to help with baking.


One resident asked how come the boulevard pool was down about 6”? Tom clarified when they clean the pool it empties to be cleaned. When all is done, it does recycle to fill up.


Also, please remember to fill out the vials of life. If you need one, please contact HOA office.


At 8:25pm, Karen Grant made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tony Mahoney seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Meeting adjourned.




Respectfully submitted,




Robin Husted, Recording Secretary