NOVEMBER 13, 2023


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Board President, Karen Grant.

Members present: Karen Grant, president; Tony Mahoney, vice-president; Linda Sheerin, treasure; Elise Hersey, secretary; Shirley Hosner, Jeff Polston, Ken Dobosz, directors.

Secretary report given by Elise Hersey.  Motion made to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s report given by Linda Sheerin who gave the board members a copy of the financial report.

            HOA:              Bank balance as of 9/30/2023              $198,095.83

                                    October deposits                                           $49,758.91

                                    Invoices paid out                                           $27,341.47

                                    Bank Balance 10/31/2023                                          $220,513.27



                                    CD’s                                                                $151,172.21

                                    Money Market                                            $204,933.30

                                    Balance:                                                                    $356,105.51


Linda reported on the outstanding dues: $7,060.00 in the lawyers’ hand and 90 days past is $7324.00 for 2.78%.  Jeff made a motion to accept the financial report, Tony second and motion passed.  Lindas also thanked everyone for attending and encouraged everyone to help the community and become involved.

Linda also reminded Activities committees that monies need to be spent by end of year being we are non-profit.  Linda is still looking for at least three (3) people for an Audit committee.  Audit will take place at the end of the year.


Budget meetings have been changed to Sunday, Nov. 19 and Sunday, Dec. 6 at 1 PM.

Linda also made a motion for a software update which will cost $50.00/month which has been included in the budget for next year.  Tony second, Jeff asked to clarify if it was Quick Books online, Linda said yes.  Update passed.



            Balance 9/30/2023                                                $46,983.23

            October deposits                                                       $6,456.52

            Invoices paid in Oct.                                              $10,908.26

            Adjustments                                                                  $609.44

            Bank Balance 10/31/2023                                   $43,140.93


Shirley Hosner listed the following upcoming activities:  Thanksgiving Dinner – 16 tickets remain that can be purchased, Craft Fair Saturday 11/18/2023.  Breakfast will be served 7:00-9:00 AM for $6.00.  Lunch will be served from 10:30 until food is gone.  Menu items will be a la carte.  Tuesday Hotdogs on the Challenger patio.  Bingo meal being served 4:00-5:30.

Private party at the Challenger Clubhouse, Sat. 11/25/2023



Account balance: $9,303.17.  Texas Roadhouse fund raiser had 160 people yielding donations of $300.00.  Veterans will have a Basket Raffle.  Ticket are $1 each or 8/$5.00.  Drawing will be held at the Dec. 7 Flag raising.  Sam also reported the committee placed flags at the homes of our veterans.  Please contact Cindy Ratcliff if a flag needs to placed at your residence.


            Bank Balance as of 9/30/2023                                       $11,910.80

            Deposits for October                                                         $12.089.86

            Expenses for October                                                        $10,728.94

            Bank Balance 10/31/2023                                               $13,271.72



            No report



Tony reported ARC and Rules & Regs are working together to standardize regulations and procedures.



Completed smoke detector project.  Next meeting is Tuesday, 11/21/2023



Did not meet in November.  Karen and Elise selected the color of the tiles for the Challenger Pool refurbishment.  Contract will be signed 11/14/2023.



Held a self defense class.  Will try to hold another class in the spring.



No Parking signs.  Project has been placed on hold.  Many questions and need more clarification from the county.  The county needs to be recalled to get clarification of letters sent to residents.  There is to be a three (3) way stop sign placed at Jackson Park and Covent Garden Ave.  One resident questioned why all speed limit signs in the park are 20 mph except for the one on Piedmont.  It was stressed that we all need to slow down driving throughout the park.



A camera system that reports to the Sheriff Dept.  Company will do an assessment as to where to place a camera.  Linda moved to go forward with the project.  Jeff seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-1.


Credit Card system was discussed.   Jeff gave a report on three (3) vendors.  Residents also expressed a desire to include a credit card system in the office for the payment of dues.  Discussion on systems will continue.


There was also a comment made about removing sand traps on the golf course.  No action taken.



Capital Improvement Fee is now approved in the state of Florida.  This fee new homeowners would pay.  It is a one (1) time, flat rate fee.



To help the ongoing water problem in the park, the county has done a complete assessment and will come into the park and replace the swells.  This project will not affect the estates.  Swells will be put back in to help with the natural flow of water.  Anything (ie trees, bushes, rocks, sprinkler systems etc) in the path will be removed.  Karen advises homeowners to get a plan and start thinking about removing anything you may want to keep.  Project will begin sometime in January or February.  As soon as the Board knows they will let the residents know.  Two important things: 1) County will put out colored flags.  DO NOT REMOVE OR MOVE THE FLAGS and 2) If after the work is finished and homeowner changes the elevation of the swell, homeowner will be fined by the county.  So to reiterate, once the Board knows when this will happen they will let the homeowners know.

There was a discussion about the construction on the north and east side of the park.  There were questions concerning the entrance and exits.  Nothing concrete yet.

Capital Improvement Fund questions included:

1.    No, there is no cap on amount that can be charged.

2.    Yes, the amount can be adjusted.

3.    Money will go into Reserves for improvements.

It was announced there is a sign-up sheet for volunteers to put up and take down holiday decorations at the entrance to the park.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Auten